In a ceremony at the Wednesday morning Twin Valley Rotary meeting on November 9th, two Twin Valley students were awarded the Twin Valley Rotary Students of the Month Award. Pictured left to right: Dr. Robert Pleis, Twin Valley School District Superintendent, Rebecca Ashley Hegarty, and Shelby Coy. Click the picture for a larger view. Rebecca …
You can click the pictures to enlarge them. School has to be one of the biggest differences I’ve encountered in Spain. It has given me the most difficulties by far–even though there is little homework and the concept of a project seems absolutely foreign to them. This is simply because most of their grades are …
In a celebration at our Wednesday morning breakfast meeting, we recognized two outstanding Twin Valley Rotary Students of the Month. Click the pictures for a larger view. Lauren Matthews receiving the Twin Valley Student of the Month award from Dr. Robert Pleis. Lauren is an inductee into the National Honor Society and is involved in …
The Rotary Club of Twin Valley is a new sponsor of the Twin Valley School District’s elementary school book clubs. Pictured left to right Principal Bill McKay, Adrienne Masak-Rozier (Twin Valley Rotary President), and Principal Gail Porrazzo. Not pictured, Principal Jamie Whye. Click the picture to enlarge it. The program partners Rotary members with third, …
Gaby, a Rotary Youth Exchange student, is the daughter of our Twin Valley Rotary President, Adrienne Masak-Rozier. The 4th of Octubre will mark my first full month in Spain. I had a hard time understanding everyone at first due to the seemingly rapid speech and the lispy accent. However I am adjusting to the Spanish …