This was the eleventh year the Twin Valley Rotary Club has had a team walk in the Twin Valley Relay for Life.
The Relay raised over $81,000 with more funds to come in. Our Rotary team was one of 15 teams out of 52 that raised over $1000. Great job!!
Click each picture for a larger view.
The following Rotarians and spouses walked in the event: Bob and Kristin Dennison, Rick Berger, Jim Scheffey, Joe and Kathy Swartz, Adrienne Masak and Ronnie Rozier, Alan and Gail Haffler, Ron and Jill Moyer.
Non-Rotarians who participated were Knicki Knickerbocker and son Stephen and daughter Rena, Laura and Dario Salvucci and sons Milo and Leo, Peg Kaufman, Paula McGinnis, and Jerry Deffobis
Many thanks to all who walked and contributed!. It’s a great cause and event!!